“They’re going to re-peg the volatile Federal Reserve note to a fixed weight in gold bullion!” Anderson flung his arms up in exasperation. “I can’t believe you didn’t hear about this. They’ve given the Fed twenty-four months to publicly disclose all gold holdings and transactions, after which they will peg the dollar to a fixed weight of gold at the current market price.”
“That’s never going to work!” Larbonne objected.
Ranell swiveled to face his principal advisor for strategy and growth. Dominique never gets mad…
With all eyes upon him, Larbonne unleashed his tirade. “Returning to the gold standard is a foolish Tea Party idea that fantasizes about moving the US back in time to the yellow brick road of the Wizard of Oz. It will never work!”
“If it’s such a bad idea, then why are the central banks of Russia, China, and India all buying gold?” Anderson's face was turning red, and Ranell could see a vein throbbing in his forehead. “All the endless printing of paper money and dreams of a centralized digital currency have made the US dollar practically worthless! We are so far behind our competitors, Dominique, we’re going to be left behind.”
“You pushed the hardest for government contracts, Mitch!” Larbonne practically shouted, the muscles of his jaw alive with tension. “Now Josef has gotten us this fantastic deal, and you are saying it eez no good?”
Ranell tried to interject himself between the feud building between his staff members. “Mitch, you said we are far behind. Are you talking about competitors of the US government, or GML competitors?”
“It’s both.” Anderson was visibly trying to reign in his emotions. He took a deep breath. “I actually believe that moving back to the gold standard is a great government policy. But forget about America for a minute. You're telling me that the Lockheed Martin folks are promising ‘unlimited funding.’ Where’s that money going to come from? Government contracts? How will that be possible when the US moves to the gold standard and can’t just magically create useless piles of cash anymore? You might have seen all the wonders of technology that Lockheed Martin can build, but you only saw it through a virtual reality headset. That’s all they are. Virtual.”
“I have to admit, I wasn’t aware of this new policy. What’s our exposure?”
Choose Option 1: No Path Without a Hard Fight
Choose Option 2: Gold Standard is a Fantasy