“As I said, returning to a gold standard is a fantasy, monsieur,” Larbonne shook his head wearily. “Your government will eventually be forced to face the inescapable fact that the gold standard is a dead idea, best relegated to the dustbin of history. The precepts of modern monetary theory will eventually compel them to abandon this foolish notion, probably in favor of a centralized digital currency.”
Anderson rounded on Ranell, “See what I mean, Josef? That’s what this is all about. Even though we’re in the middle of the biggest global meltdown in history, still no one wants to believe that we all have to pay the price and live within our means. There ain’t no free lunch!”
At this, Larbonne sniffed and muttered, “Platitudes.”
Ranell sensed that his team was losing their good mood due to differences of opinion about government policy. I don't care about any of that as long as GML stays in business.
“Why don’t we call it a day?” Ranell attempted a rally. “We’ve got a lot of work to do, but it can wait until tomorrow. We’ve got the Lockheed Martin contract. Let’s end on a high note and knock off early. We’ll hit it hard again in the morning.”