Ranell’s wife had moved closer to him during the newscast. Now she clutched him tightly and gasped, “Oh Josef, what does all this mean?”
“I think it means war…” he trailed off.
“What are we going to do?” She pleaded for answers that Ranell couldn’t provide.
His mind was racing, and she was distracting him from his concentration. “C’mon, babe. Let go of me,” he failed to mask his irritation as he pushed her away. “I’ve got some calls to make.”
“Right now?” Her mouth gaped first in amazement, then shock, and finally anger. She glared contemptuously and let go. “Go make your damned phone calls.”
You are the CEO of GML. You make the call:
Option 1: The start of a possible war with China means GML has positioned itself perfectly with Lockheed Martin to benefit from what may be an endless stream of government contracts. Despite the recent legislation to peg US treasury notes to gold once again, the global crisis will cause the government to abandon the idea. BE BOLD AND STAY THE COURSE.
Option 2: While it looks like GML has positioned itself perfectly with Lockheed Martin to benefit from government contracts, the administration’s recent decision to peg US treasury notes to gold threatens to derail the whole plan. The President and his party are stubborn and won’t abandon the idea under any circumstances, no matter how dire. This project will fall apart. We need to START LOOKING FOR AN ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION.