“That meeting couldn’t have gone any worse,” Ranell confessed when he called you later that afternoon to report.
“But it’s done now. I’ve laid off the entire planning department for you.” He paused for a long moment, “Just how is GML supposed to operate now without them?”
You are the CEO of GML. You make the call:
Option 1: We’ve cut everything that wasn’t producing a revenue stream. If GML can HOLD ON a little longer until the Strange Lake operation comes fully online, we should be able to make it. We’ve made our bet and have positioned ourselves to take advantage of an enormous opportunity. Focus your attention on the rare earth markets.
Option 2: We’ve bet everything on the Strange Lake project. Cutting our staff may have been difficult, but we won’t be able to employ anyone if GML goes bankrupt. I need you to get on a plane immediately and GO BACK TO NUNAVIK to oversee our operations there personally. If this project fails, there is no more GML.