“We just need more time, Father.” Ranell tried to say something encouraging, but it came out feebly. “This new administration’s MMT policy is already achieving amazing results. We’ve easily won the war against China by collapsing their economy, and American businesses are booming everywhere. Just give it some time. It will all turn around, you'll see.”
“This is what happens to everyone who is greedy for unjust gain. Greed takes away his life.” Mendoza intoned as if from a distant memory.
The words seemed familiar to Ranell, “What is that? Is that from the Bible?”
Mendoza nodded, “Proverbs 1:19.”
“What does it mean?” Against his will, Ranell felt himself growing a bit defensive. “Why all the talk about greed and unjust gain? Do you think the government is doing something wrong?”
Mendoza took a deep breath before answering, and there was an imploring look in his eyes now. Clearly, he hadn’t meant any offense, but something was weighing heavily on his mind. “I’m worried about all the… what do they call it? Digital money?”
“The Central Bank Digital Currency?” Ranell corrected. “We just say CBDC.”
“Yes, that’s it.” Mendoza acknowledged the point. “No one understands it. They just say there is more money today than there was yesterday. I don’t believe money can be created out of thin air like this."
“This administration’s policies take some getting used to,” Ranell agreed politely, “but in practice, it’s really quite simple. It’s nothing short of a revolution in global finance.”
“Ah,” Mendoza raised a single finger in the air. “Revolutions, I understand! They, too, are driven by greed for unjust gain.”
“I hope you’re wrong about that.”
“So do I, my son, so do I.” Mendoza frowned. “But some truths are eternal.”
Congratulations! Against all odds, you not only have saved GML from bankruptcy, but you have also guided your corporation into an era of unprecedented prosperity. However, beware the cautionary tale told by the looming American famine.
Choose Option 1: Choose this option to return to another point and explore other possible outcomes.
Choose Option 2: Don’t worry about the looming American famine. That's not your problem. Choose this option if you wish to rest on your laurels and end this exercise in Directed Fiction. Continue to the solutions page to learn more about how these scenarios were developed.